
The Hunter

The Hunter

Chapter 15: We live a life in his exhibit, full of props and loops. Sadly it’s easy to satisfy us. A little fear, a little discomfort have made us all too willing to sit waiting like dogs on this spot, never trying to break free.
12 min read
nada_maas2k (king tubby mix)

nada_maas2k (king tubby mix)

Chapter 14: Everything here happens on loops, rendering time and events meaningless by repetition. I mimic the mechanisms, hoping to somehow sneak inside the simulation and fuck shit up.
15 min read
The Grid (Part 1)

The Grid (Part 1)

Chapter 11: “The world we came from was the dream, and the place we go to when we fall off The Grid is the swirling nothingness that’s the real reality, the one that’s usually hidden.”
15 min read