A Dick in the Snow
Chapter 19: For a while we thought the moon was a part of it, moving and changing on a set trajectory that took several weeks to complete, before we realized that this was what the moon always did and we’d forgotten.
14 min read
It wasn’t an inquiry or a trial. I had already been judged. This was, according to Em, about nailing down the content of a dream that didn’t have a human dreamer.
14 min read
Chapter 18: A hallway filled with flowers. Real ones, in big bunches. No windows, no outside light, no one around. A fly buzzes too loud so do the fluorescents. I look for glitches, places where the energy gathers like wind.
11 min read
black box
I’m closer now. No lights on but everything glows. I look for signs under the elevated train tracks.
10 min read
dark black
Chapter 17: This world is a zombie: like the NPC’s–like us. At first Dean was adamant that we weren't being punished–this wasn’t what we deserved any more than the great coral reef deserved to get bleached. But now I know that isn’t true.
11 min read
But that’s the thing, the longer I don’t write about what happened the easier it is to just go along with what the two of them say, how I’m the chosen one, someone with a rare experience of having provided an experimental AI model from the future with a deep well of esoteric analytic capability.
8 min read
new blue world
Chapter 16: They were strangers that I nevertheless love–a love so hard it makes my back convulse and arch as it beams from my chest into theirs. It’s the first thing each of them feels. A new feeling that’s also a memory. Could there be a more powerful sensation? It binds them to me.
11 min read
gods & devils
In the movie the buttons on the keypad were equipped with tiny, yet powerful vacs that sucked microscopic bits of flesh and sweat from the tips of his fingers, caching his biometrics and recording them onto the blockchain.
14 min read
The Hunter
Chapter 15: We live a life in his exhibit, full of props and loops. Sadly it’s easy to satisfy us. A little fear, a little discomfort have made us all too willing to sit waiting like dogs on this spot, never trying to break free.
12 min read
hateful waves
I want to tell you about the crash, about everything I remember and don’t remember but have pieced together from other sources. This method is necessary given my intoxicated state at the time, as well as the fact that a certain surrealism has become the foundation for my experience of reality.
13 min read